Final Post & Retrospective
I ended up returning slightly early to attend my aunt's funeral. Because flights had to be switched around I arrived at the Philly airport about 2 hours before my family. That's where I'm writing this entry now. All in all I spent 84 days in Switerland from May 20th to August 11th. I'll start with the good things. I found the chemistry to be fascinating. I think that I am better prepared for my future career and graduate school as a result of this experience. I worked on projects that I found interesting and I enjoyed the hikes that I went on with my brother. I feel a need to be honest in this blog post, so I'll follow with the bad things. This was probably the worst 84 days of my life. While the chemistry was good, I have never before been so incredibly socially isolated. Failing to do proper research before I arrived in Fribourg, I only learned that it was a french speaking city 3 days before my departure. The linguistic isolation was one of the most challenging ...